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Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Study of Efficiency and Optimization Parameters of Laser Device for Measuring the Range Rate of a Spacecraft

# 06, June 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0614.0712240
Article file: Starovoytov_E.pdf (992.05Kb)
authors: E.I. Starovoitov, N.E. Zubov, V.V. Ivashov, A.V. Nikulchin

To replace the hand-held laser rangefinders on board transport spacecraft (SC) a laser rangefinder-speedometer (LRS) is developed and installed in the unpressurized area of SC to determine automatically the range rate. Crew, turning the active spacecraft by the video image that is formed by a docking camera, manually provides guidance of LRS to the passive SC. Using a generalized function of efficiency was estimated LRS characteristics. Comparison with the results of existing analogues shows that the LRS has the highest efficiency. As a result of relationship analysis of measuring speed and reliability accuracy of LRS laser source, Pareto sets are obtained, which enable providing the optimal operation conditions of a device It is found that the reliability function of LRS, which is equal to 0.999, is ensured at 1.0 s averaging time of range measurement and 0.8...0.9 m range measurement error. Increasing the averaging time of range measurement up to 1.5 s allows reliability function equal to 0.999 with the range measurement error of 2.5...2.5 m. Energy calculations are performed for 5 km range measurements on space complex with a complicated configuration such as the International Space Station (ISS) for the maximum and minimum value of the effective reflection area. When the laser pulse energy is 11.5 mJ for measurements of diffusely reflected signal at ranges of 5 km at least a signal/noise ratio is no less than 10. With LRS illuminating the angular reflector, a measurement range is of over 30 km. Because of a large number of the angular reflectors on the ISS body is considered the use of the geometric factor to protect the photo-detector overload when receiving a signal from the nearby angular reflector. It is found that when the length of the base between the receiving and transmitting optical apertures is equal to 39 mm, a photo-detector is protected from the overload at the pulse energies up to 11.5 mJ. The results of efficiency evaluation using the generalized functions for different types of laser sources are presented. Optical parametric oscillator based on a neodymium laser with diode pumping has the highest efficiency. With increasing pulse energy and reducing weight and size characteristics of fiber lasers, they may be used in LRS instead of solid-state lasers.

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