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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Informatics, Computer Science and Management

New design of active vibroprotective devices
# 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0455678
I.J. Bezbah, V.A. Melik-Shahnazarov, D.V. fiyanchuk, V.I. Strelov
The authors developed a new construction of active vibroprotective devices , which helps to overcome limitations of the active frequency range and maximum oscillation suppression ratio inherent in prior devices. It is shown that these restrictions are caused by a phantom signal of accelerometers’ tilt in the gravity field of the Earth. They propose a method of its compensation - so that with simple electronic circuits the lower boundary of the active range of vibroprotective devices decreases from 2 Hz to 0.2 Hz, and the maximum oscillation suppression ratio increases from 40 dB to 60 dB.
Decision-making support information for management of lifecycle projects for extended objects
# 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0455399
P.I. Pospelov, K.P. Randjit, V.B. Golubkova, I.A. Iorina
The article describes the current problems of formulating and solving decision-making problems in management of lifecycle projects for extended auto-road objects in the face of uncertainty, the need for them as an integral part in construction of an integrated automation system of industrial and construction enterprises.
Solution of interval mathematical models of technological processes
# 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0454499
T.A. Frolova, S.V. Frolov, D.S. Tulyakov
It is shown that an effective method of presenting undefined parameters of mathematical models are interval numbers. The authors propose algorithms for solving interval mathematical models of statics and dynamics which have lumped and distributed parameters. The algorithms are based on solving optimization problems. Implementation of the presented algorithms is demonstrated by material firing in a rotary kiln in which information on some of the parameters is set in the form of interval numbers. The method can effectively solve the problem of design and process control under uncertainty.
Impact on the phase-locked harmonic interference
# 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0453581
B.I Shahtarin, T.G. Aslanov
Effect of a harmonic interferer on phase-lock results in distortion of information received in input signals, and in the loss of stability of the phase-lock. The authors consider the influence of harmonic interference on synchronization processes in the first-order loop. Also the paper presents an analysis of cases of signal capture and the capture of the disturbance in the phase-lock.
Designing an information system to support career guidance processes at various levels
# 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0452460
M.Yu. Makarova
The author substantiates the relevance of creating an information system to support career guidance and gives a detailed description of the main stages of design process: creating a formal model of career, formulation of requirements for the system, creating a functional model of the system using the IDEF0 methodology, and development of a database structure. Special attention is paid to the mathematical description of vocational guidance through competencies. It is suggested that Internet technologies should be used as software. The author emphasizes that the results of the design are the basis for further development of algorithms and software implementation of the system.
Methods of upgrading the standard modules typical configuration based technology platform "1C: Enterprise 8" with minimal modifications
# 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0450231
S.A. Tonoyan, A.V. Baldin, D.V. Eliseev
In this article the authors propose a method of upgrading the standard configuration "1C: Payroll and HR budget entity 8" with minimal modifications of standard objects. The method consists of three schemes to change the types of configuration, through which one can describe the basic concepts of the subject area. The application of this technique allows to automatically install updates, to differentiate objects of typical configuration from objects that were improved. The authors show urgency of development of the proposed method in the implementation of the standard configuration "1C: Payroll and HR budget entity 8" in universities. Application of the method allows to refine the typical configuration of the structure, staffing and personnel records.
Comparison of modern solvers stiff systems of ordinary differential equations solvers C library SADEL
# 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0445558
D.M. Zhuk, V.B. Manichev, M.K. Sakharov
In this paper the authors present a comparison of various modern solvers of stiff systems of ordinary differentsial equations with C-solvers from SADEL library developed by the authors. A set of test caseswas  prepared by the authors; is consists of 6 stiff ODE systems with known analytical or asymptotic solutions. The test results are given in the article. The authors also present the basic theoretical information about the methods used in the testing of the numerical integration of systems of ordinary differential equations and considered various options of problem statement.
Features of transition to path coordinates in a problem of path stabilisation
# 07, July 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0712.0445496
A.N. Kanatnikov, T.S. Kasatkina
The model of the wheeled robot with automobile configuration of wheels in a problem of path stabilisation is considered. Conditions at which transition from the Cartesian coordinates to the trajectory coordinates at the path stabilization problem is correct are investigated. Performance of these conditions for the elementary types of a trajectory of the robot is analyzed.
Sufficient condition of affine system controllability
# 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0445546
D.A. Fetisov
This note deals with a controllability condition for affine systems with scalar control. The main assumption – the considered system is equivalent to system of a quasicanonical form, regular on all space of states. For regular system of a quasicanonical form the solution existence sufficient condition of a terminal task is received. By means of this condition it is shown that under some conditions the terminal task for regular system of a quasicanonical form has the decision for any initial and final conditions of system on any final interval of time. Thereby the sufficient condition of controllability for a considered class of systems is proved. A possible scope of the received results is the solution of technical systems control problems.
Formation of panoramic images from videocameras recording automobile stream
# 07, July 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0712.0445483
K.L. Tassov, A.L. Fedotov
The article considers creating panoramic images in the data coming from the camera video recording automobile stream. The authors describe each of the steps and give a description of the sequence of actions to achieve the final result. The analysis of the results is also provided.
Testing of pseudorandom sequence generators by using the three-dimensional Ising model
# 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0445380
S.V. Belim, A.Yu. Shereshik
The authors researched sensitivity of the Metropolis algorithm for the three-dimensional Ising model to the choice of a pseudorandom sequence generator. The authors show that shortcomings of pseudorandom sequence statistical properties result in the behavior of the Ising model that differs from the one predicted by methods of theoretical physics. It is shown that the Ising model can be used for testing pseudorandom sequence generators.
Overview of methods of creating systems based on temporal relational database
# 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0441884
A.V. Baldin, D.V. Eliseev, K.G. Agayan
The article presents an analysis of approaches to implementation of temporal systems based on relational database. In this paper the authors give definitions of temporal data and temporal databases. The authors present approaches to time modeling on the basis of which the types of time stamps used in temporal databases are described. The paper identifies two main ways to implement temporal systems using current relational database: implementation of temporal support at the application level and expansion of the non-temporal relational model to the temporal one. As a result, for each approach the authors identified respective advantages and disadvantages.
Synthesis method for spinning flasks made of composite materials as part of the product life cycle management concept
# 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0434726
H.M. Dang, S.S. Gavryushin, V.I. Semisalov
All elements of inconsistencies and contradictions between the stages of production of composite cylinders by method of spinning were considered in detail. It was established that solution of occurring conflicts is possible in the case of unified information approach in accordance with the concept of product life cycle management. The authors propose a technique of creating the proposed system and the example of its work in the special case.
Determination of car brand on the video frame using the Viola-Jones modified algorithm
# 06, June 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0612.0434600
I.E. Kopylov, K.L. Tassov
This article describes an approach to defining the brand of a vehicle by images received from systems of recognition of state license plates of vehicles. Brand logo is used as a criterion for identification. To solve the problem the authors developed a methodology based on the Viola-Jones algorithm for detecting objects. The authors studied determining the correctness of its work for various brands of vehicles. When using this method the accuracy of brand vehicle recognition averaged to 85%, which will allow to apply the developed method in practice.
A hybrid global optimization method based on artificial immune system
# 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0433381
A.P. Karpenko, D.L. Shurov
The paper presents an original hybrid method of global optimization – SIA – which based on the artificial immune systems technology. The method represents extreme modification of the hybrid optimization method HIA (Hybrid Immune Algorithm) which uses mutation procedure for local search. On the contrary, in SIA method for this purpose the known SUBPLEX algorithm is used. The authors give a description of this method and its program implementation. In addition, the authors investigate efficiency of the proposed method and present the results of this research.
Some methods of graph coarsening in estimating documents relevance
# 07, July 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0712.0432649
V.D. Vershinin, A.P. Karpenko, D.A. Plyakin
The authors consider the ontology knowledge bases focused on support of decision-making in corporate information systems. The authors believe that search for decision in these knowledge bases is carried out with the use of metadata of the document. Implementation of this approach leads to a graph-coarsening problem. The authors present some methods for solving this problem, and the results of the research of their efficiency.
Global optimization based on methods of particle swarm, mind evolution and clonal selection
# 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0431723
A.E. Antukh, A.P. Karpenko
The paper gives short descriptions of the particle swarm, mind evolution and clonal selection methods. Hybridization of the specified methods and a description of the MEPSI hybrid method (Mind Evolution, Particle Swarm, Immune) are presented. We consider an adjustment of free parameters of the HPSI method on the basis of which the MEPSI method is constructed. The results of studying an evolution of the swarm generated by the MEPSI method, as well as the results of studying the efficiency of the method for known Shekel and Rastrigin benchmark problems are presented in this article. Besides, the paper presents similar results obtained during solving the seven- and thirty eight Lennard-Jones atomic clusters problem.
Integral estimation of multi-criterion alternatives in mental-structured approach to education
# 07, July 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0712.0423252
V.V. Belous, A.V. Bobrovskii, A.A. Dobryakov, A.P. Karpenko, E.V. Smirnova
The authors consider the problem of integral estimation of multi-criterion alternatives; they propose a formal statement of the problem and methods of solving it. The method transforms the problem into global conditional multidimensional optimization. To solve that problem Mind Evolutionary Computation algorithm is used. Implementation of this method is described. The results of efficiency research are given.
Adaptive weighted sum method for solving Pareto-approximation problem
# 06, June 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0612.0423283
A.P. Karpenko, A.S. Savelov, A.S. Semenikhin
The authors consider solving the discrete problem of Pareto set and frontier optimization in the multi-criterion optimization problem. The aim of this work was to examine the efficiency of Adaptive Weighted Sum method (AWS) which was initially developed by J-H. Ryu, S. Kim and H. Wan. Comparing to the original research, the authors used a wider range of multi-criterion benchmark optimization problems. A range of limitations of AWS methodology and usage complexity was found. Modification of the method was proposed to resolve the problems and limitations.
Prediction of traffic situation
# 07, July 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0712.0418480
K.M. Vyalyh, Y.N. Pavlov, M.B. Stepanova
 Several prediction models, methods of qualitative assessment of predictions and model selection methodology are presented in this article. Prediction accuracy was evaluated by comparing models with one other. Prediction accuracy of the described models was higher than the prediction of extrapolated average speed. Longtime testing, new models and factors affecting the traffic situation are planned to be considered. 
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