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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Influence of ion nitriding and vacuum carburizing on wear resistance of VKS-7 and VKS-10 steels

# 06, June 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0613.0579264
Article file: Krasovsky_D_P.pdf (399.65Kb)
authors: S.A. Gerasimov, L.I. Kuksenova, V.G. Lapteva, R.S. Fahurtdinov, M.S. Alekseeva, I.A. Hrennikova, N.L. Boreiko, A.E. Smirnov, D.S. Krasovskii


1.         Gerasimov S.A., Kuksenova L.I., Lapteva V.G. Struktura i iznosostoikost' azotirovannykh stalei i splavov [Structure and wear resistance of the nitrided steels and alloys]. Moscow, Bauman MSTU Publ., 2012. 518 p.

2.         Semenov A.P., Kovsh I.B., Petrova I.M., et al. Metody i sredstva uprochneniya poverkhnostey detaley mashin kontsentrirovannymi potokami energii [Methods and means of hardening of surfaces of machine parts by the concentrated streams of energy]. Moscow, Nauka, 1992. 404 p.

3.         Kuksenova L.I., Lapteva V.G., Kolmakov A.G., Rybakova L.M. Metody ispytanii na trenie i iznos [Methods of testing the friction and wear]. Moscow, Intermet inzhiniring, 2001. 152 p.

4.         Berezina E.V. Razrabotka tekhnologii formirovaniia nanostrukturirovannogo azotirovannogo sloia konstruktsionnykh stalei dlia povysheniia ikh iznosostoikosti. Avtoreferat kand. diss. [Development of technology for the formation of nanostructured nitrided layer of structural steels to increase their wear resistance. Abstract of cand. diss.]. Moscow, Bauman MSTU, 2007.

5.         Kuksenova L.I., Lapteva V.G., Michugina M.S., Berezina E.V. Struktura poverkhnostnykh sloev stalei i iznosostoikost' posle raznykh uslovii azotirovaniia [Structure of surface layers of steels and wear-resistance after various conditions of nitriding]. Metody uprochneniia poverkhnostei detalei mashin : sbornik [Methods of hardening of surfaces of machine parts : a collection of papers]. Moscow, Krasand, 2008, pp. 303-341.

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