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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Questions of planning of gait at designing четырехногих walking systems on an example of realization by a horse of a pace ╚a moderate lynx╩

# 11, November 2010
Article file: 01.pdf (745.88Kb)
author: A.Yu. Vykolov

Spisok literatury

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12.  Vukolov A., Kharitonov E. Kinematical Analysis of Mechanical Systems by Results of Digital Video Recording. Proceeding of SYROM’2009 Conference.

13.  Swanevelder A.G. An optical gait analysis system for horses. Masters Abstracts International. 1995. T. 33. ╧ 2. S. 0581.

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