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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Working off the methodology of numerical simulation of three-dimensional viscous flow in axially radial impeller of centrifugal compressor using ANSYS CFX

# 11, November 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1112.0465832
Article file: Карлов_P.pdf (449.84Kb)
authors: A.M. Karlov, A.F. Kuftov


1.  Gamburger D.M. Chislennoe modelirovanie techeniia viazkogo gaza v tsentrobezhnoi kompressornoi stupeni: metodika i rezul'taty. Kand. diss. [Numerical simulation of flow of viscous gas in the centrifugal compressor stages: methods and results. Cand. diss.].  St. Petersburg, SPbGPU, 2009. 190 p.

2.  Sait firmy CAE-Services [Website of the company CAE-Services]. Available at: www.cae-services.ru , accessed 06.10.2012.

3.  Sait OOO «Inzhiniringovaia kompaniia «TESIS» [Website of the company "Engineering Company" TESIS "]. Available at: www.tesis.com.ru , accessed 06.10.2012.

4.  Kuftov A.F. Obobshchennyi metod rascheta i profilirovaniia tsentrobezhnykh kompressorov i nasosov na osnove koeffitsientov aerogidrodinamicheskikh nagruzok . Dokt. diss. [The generalized method of calculation and profiling of centrifugal compressors and pumps based on the coefficients aerohydrodynamic loads. Dr. diss.]. Moscow, Bauman MSTU, 1994. 348 p.

5.  Galerkin Iu.B., Gamburger D.M., Epifanov A.A. Analiz techeniia v tsentrobezhnykh kompressornykh stupeniakh metodami vychislitel'noi gidrogazodinamiki [Analysis of the flow in centrifugal compressor stages by methods of computational hydrogasdynamics]. Kompressornaia tekhnika i pnevmatika [Compressor equipment and pneumatics.], 2009, no. 3, pp. 22-32.

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