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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

77-48211/368628 Methods of Dummy-structure optimal allocation

# 05, May 2012
Article file: Гладких_P.pdf (1244.70Kb)
authors: A.A. Gladkih, V.V. Makarchuk, V.M. Kureichik


1. Li Y. Microelectronic Applications of Chemical-Mechanical Planarization. Wiley Interscience, 2008.  734 p.  ISBN 978-0-471-71919-9.

2. Chiang C.C., Kawa J. Design for Manufacturability and Yield for Nano-Scale CMOS. Springer, 2007. 251 р.

3. DeJule R. Dual-Damascene: Overcoming Process Issues.  Available at: http://www.semiconductor.net/article/204962-Dual_Damascene_Overcoming_Process_Issues.php , accessed 09.04.2010.

4. Laszlo M.J. Computational geometry and computer graphics in C++. Prentice Hall, 1996. (Russ. ed.: Laslo M. Vychislitel'naia geometriia i komp'iuternaia grafika na C++. Moscow, Binom, 1977. 301 p.).

5. Preparata F.P., Shamos M.I. Computational Geometry: an Introduction. Springer-Verlang, 1985. 390 p. (Russ ed.: Preparata F., Sheimos M. Vychislitel'naia geometriia: vvedenie. Moscow, Mir, 1989. 478 p. ISBN 5-03-001041-6.).

6. Gladkikh A.A. Analiz povtoriaemosti i tochnosti modelirovaniia operatsii khimiko-mekhanicheskoi planarizatsii sloia dvuokisi kremniia [Analysis of the repeatability and accuracy of modeling the operation of chemical-mechanical planarization layer of silicon dioxide]. 13-ia Molodezhnaia mezhdunarodnaia nauchno-tekhnicheskaia konferentsiia «Naukoemkie tekhnologii i intellektual'nye sistemy» 2011 [The 13th International Youth Scientific Conference “High Technologies and Intelligent Systems” 2011]. Moscow, Bauman MSTU Publ., 2011. pp. 324-338

7. Kahng A., Robins G., Singh A., Zelikovsky A.  Filling Algorithms and Analyses for Layout Density Control. IEEE Trans. CAD, 18(4):445-462, April 1999.

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