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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Employers are back on campus to recruit newly-minted MBAs

Further confirmation that the job market for US MBA students is improving comes from the MBA Career Services Council, the US-based organisation which compiles data from business school careers offices. According to the MBA CSC, 76 per cent of schools experienced an increase in on-campus activity over last year. The official statistics for job offers are not available until the beginning of September - three months after graduation.

Though widely expected, the news is encouraging, particularly as it comes swift on the heels of a positive recruiter report from GMAC, administrators of the GMAT test for business school entry. In May GMAC reported that MBA recruiters were becoming more active again, especially in finance and accounting. Salaries for newly-minted MBAs were also on the rise, particularly in Europe.

Recruitment increased in almost all industries according to the MBA CSC report, which was compiled from data submitted by 84 business schools, 90 per cent of which are in the US.

Source: The Financial Times

MBA CSC: www.mbacsc.org

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