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Technique of utilizing pulsar processors of frame CCD photodetectors in digital cameras in the modes of time delay and accumulation
Engineering Education # 05, May 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0513.0577481
The author considers application of CCD photodetectors designed to work in the frame accumulation mode for usage in the modes of time-delay and accumulation. A set of matrix and linear CCD photodetectors was determined for the problem of constructing digital cameras of pulsar astronomy processors. A special time diagram of control signals of frame CCD photodetectors, which provides special time-delay and integration mode, was proposed. An algorithm for switching modes of CCD photodetector, which takes into account the transition process, was developed. For the first time modes of time-delay and accumulation were implemented for two types of frame CCD photodetectors. Principles of constructing digital cameras with accumulation changeover, frequency control and frame synchronization were derived. Implementation of digital cameras based on a digital signal processor was presented.
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