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The Multiposition Adjusting in Technological Equipment
Aerospace Scientific Journal # 04, July 2015
DOI: 10.7463/aersp.0415.0812243
pp. 25-36

Engineering Bulletin # 02, February 2015
УДК: 681.3.06

Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2014
УДК: 681.536.5
Use of programmable controllers in control systems of space launch complexes
Engineering Bulletin # 03, March 2014
УДК: 681.5
The analysis of technical base of control systems by technological processes in the space launch complexes (SLC) is given. Development of control facilities by processing equipment of SLC from contact-relay equipment to computer systems is shown. Shortcomings of contact-relay schemes of management are revealed and evolutionary transition to digital, and then to programmable automation in automated control systems for technological operations (ACS TO) of prelaunch are shown. Experience of the use of built-in computers for automation of spacecraft oven control process is considered and the analysis of application expediency at technological level of a hierarchical control system of the programmable logical controllers (PLC) is done. The analysis of technical capabilities of modern PLCs and experience of their application in the SLC "Soyuz" launch complex at Guiana Space Centre allowed to draw a conclusion on prospects of creation of ACS TO of space SLC on programmable controllers. The tools of programming of PLCs, allowing to create complex projects of automation without the need for application of low- and high-level programming languages, as well as accompanying them by technical staff are emphasized.

Engineering Bulletin # 01, January 2013
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