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Research of relationship between thermal conductivity of AlSiC composite material and formation factors
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0113.0517989
A new relationship was developed to connect thermal conductivity of the AlSiC metal matrix composite (MMC) material with its sponginess studied by methods of equilibrium adsorption, optical and scanning microscopy and with chemical composition of its matrix alloy. It was shown that the process of obtaining AlSiC MMC was steady and reliable within the wide range of matrix alloys. However, direct dependence of heat conductivity on sponginess of AlSiC MMC was not established in certain cases. A basic manufacturing technology of heat-removing bases for AlSiC MMC was developed; further studies are aimed to development of an industrial technology. AlSiC MMC is applied in heat-removing products in the pulse power electronic industry and converter equipment. This is the first report which shows the role of sponginess of AlSiC MMC affecting its heat conductivity. The obtained data allow to formulate offers for improving heat conductivity parameters of MMC AlSiC.
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