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Estimation of diamond-like protective coatings resistance to high-energy ion impact
Engineering Education # 08, August 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0813.0605449
This work deals with the possibility of using diamond-like coatings as protective layers applied to structural elements of a spacecraft. A technique for evaluation of thin coatings resistance to effects of ion radiation with the use of a focused ion beam was described. Results of stability studies of samples of diamond coatings on a substrate made of mono-crystalline silicon using the specified method are presented in this paper. The structure and mechanical properties of the coatings were investigated; the coefficient of diamond-likeness was also determined. It was shown that the resistance of coatings is greater than the resistance of a silicon substrate by not less than 2.5 times. A relation between the resistance of coatings to high-energy ion impact, the degree of diamond-likeness of a coating and its micro-hardness was established.

Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2012

Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2012

Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2012
Study of nanostructured scintillator materials with synchrotron radiation source
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1212.0507344
The authors consider aspects of studying time characteristics of scintillation detectors. They propose using synchrotron radiation to excite scintillation measurements to ensure the decay time of scintillation detectors with subnanosecond time resolution.
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