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Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2014
УДК: 658.512

Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2014
УДК: 658.512
Basics for calculating the required machinery quantity under uncertainty conditions
Engineering Education # 02, February 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0214.0701227
The article substantiates the urgency of the problem to estimate the industrial uncertainty factors in calculating the necessary equipment quantities when designing the manufacturing facilities in machinery building. It presents a new approach and a mathematical technique for calculating the necessary equipment quantity under conditions of multiproduct versatile manufacturing. The causes of internal and external uncertainties and methods for predicting their levels are presented. The article gives an example for calculating the necessary equipment quantities for the NC-machinery facilities. The approach proposed can be used in designing the manufacturing facilities of mechanical assembly production.
77-30569/362271 Calculation of the required number of processing equipment while designing production facilities under conditions of multiproduct manufacturing
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
The author proves the urgency of designing production facilities for multiproduct manufacturing and describes a methodological approach to calculation of the required number of equipment subject to time consumption in alignment procedures and rejection of replenishing. The analysis of NC machinery functional status is presented. The author proposes hypotheses of machining time per detail dependence on refining time and age related realignment. The results can be used for designing production facilities and planning manufacturing programs for NC machinery facilities.
77-30569/362086 Efficient use of NC machines under conditions of multiproduct manufacturing
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
 The article covers the data on actual functionality of NC machines as part of multiproduct manufacturing facilities; the data is based on the author's production research. The main categories of fund consumption were analyzed. The main problems of introducing up-to-date high-performance NC machines at domestic machine building plants were considered. The results and recommendations presented in the article can be used to solve design problems or for technical re-equipment and upgrading machining process.
77-30569/362423 Optimization of batch size for manufacturing machine elements in order to meet the demands of assembly
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
The article covers an urgent methodological approach to solving the problem of determination of the number of assembly sets of details and batch sizes in order to provide continuous mechanical assembly production with minimal costs. Non productive time consumption for machinery manufacturing facilities invariant to their production lines were taken into account in calculating the optimum number of assembly sets. The author provides an example of calculating an optimum number of serially produced assembly sets for multiproduct manufacturing. The proposed technique was aimed at solving design and planning problems of mechanical assembly production.
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