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Estimate of springing spherical lining on squeezing with fluid during calibration
Engineering Education # 10, October 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1012.0469199
The authors propose a method of creating analytical relationships to estimate springing of parts after calibration with fluid or with flexible media. The authors obtained formulas for estimation of nominal and random components of springing for facing spherical shape based on results of numerical simulations. The authors show principles of the process and give recommendations on the choice of conditions for calibration.
77-30569/361706 Numeric simulation of axial-symmetric machine parts calibration with technological liquid
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
The article considers the results of the finite element simulation of loading and unloading of thin-walled axial-symmetric machine parts during calibration with liquid in the ANSYS APDL framework. The results of the calculation of the elastic blowback were compared with the experimental data on calibration of half-spheres with a fixed flange.
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