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77-30569/354165 Application of numerical simulation technique in investigation of efficiency of the motorsport engine piston piston jet cooling system
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
In this article an oil jet cooling system for heavy-duty piston is presented. The influence of oil flux, nozzle diameter, number of injectors and its inclination on cooling efficiency was established by means of numerical simulation in ANSYS CFX. An optimal combination of parameters was chosen with a maximum heat transfer coefficient criterion. Transient thermal analysis of the piston was conducted. It was established that usage of oil cooling made it possible to reduce the maximum temperature in the piston by 73,7°C and 50,3°C in the first ring groove. Thus, prolonged service life of pistons could be obtained.
77-30569/354225 Analysis of oil film separation from underside of piston cooled with impinging jet
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
In this article oil jet piston cooling efficiency is investigated. By means of numerical simulation non-stationary hydrodynamics and heat transfer problem was solved. The analysis of oil film flow on piston surface showed the regions of film separation. Heat transfer coefficient was highly affected by the relative jet speed. To obtain better efficiency of the piston cooling system it was necessary to keep the initial jet speed higher than the maximum speed of the piston.
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