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77-30569/332565 Advanced charge instability control methods in gate dielectric of MOS devices
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
The authors analyze modern control methods of MOS-devices and charge stability of gate dielectric structures of metal-dielectric-semiconductor. Features of modern MOS-devices were defined subject to reduction of engineering rates. It was shown that the most perspective method was the electrophysical one based on the method of controlled current load; it allowed to analyze fast relaxation processes in dielectric directly after stresses.
77-30569/332405 Monitoring procedure of a nano-sized dielectric charge of MOSFET
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
A dielectric charge degradation monitoring procedure of nano-sized short-channel MOSFETs under high-field tunnel injection at different temperatures was proposed. The consequent Id(Vg) measurement in addition to injection stress was proposed. The proposed technique shows exponential dependence between charging/discharging of traps in dielectric versus time of measurement.
77-30569/332441 Research of insulation defects and charge defects of gate dielectric of MOS structure with Al and liquid electrodes
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
In this article the authors present the results of statistic measurements of the injection voltage and the charge-to-breakdown injected into a gate dielectric. MOS structures with different materials of the upper electrode were used as experimental samples. The authors propose comparative estimation of insulation defects and charge defects of SiO2-PSG film of MOS structures with Al and liquid electrode. The MOS structures with liquid electrodes, based on Hg and InGa eutectic compound appeared to be a good test for investigation of gate dielectric quality before production operation of metallization.
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