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Features of Manufacturing Bottoms and Rocket Tank Bodies Using Friction Stir Welding
Aerospace Scientific Journal # 02, March 2015
DOI: 10.7463/aersp.0215.0789685
Parameterization of Mechanical Process Operations Taking into Consideration a Coefficient of Variation and Tool Life
Engineering Education # 06, June 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0614.0714287
This article describes the results of studies on methods for increasing the reliability of  mechanical process operations of hard-to-machine materials . Technological system is treated as a combination of factors affecting the treatment process. The article estimates an impact of factors such as a choice of the tool material, applied technology environment, processing modes on the reliability of technological operations. For different workpiece materials ( steel and corrosion resistant alloys, tungsten, etc. ) it describes the conditions under which tool life increases and a coefficient of variation reduces.

Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2013
77-30569/339658 Method of creation of a set of variants for item assembling based on oriented hypergraphs
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
The article presents a method of generation of assembly variants for a multipart device. The model of the multipart device is based on oriented hypergraphs of constraints. The oriented hypergraph describes the impossibility of assembly when constructional, technological, economical causes are present. Visual interpretation of the hypergraph is proposed; examples of constructive and technological constraints for the shaped charge are described.
77-30569/260312 Method of generating design solutions for assembly of the product, using oriented hypergraphs
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
This article deals with the discrete multistep method of assembly technology selection with finite number of selection options on each step. It’s suggested to generate the set of allowed selection options automatically with the usage of oriented hypergraphs. The hypergraph is defined with the set of vertices – parts to be assembled, and the set of edges – assembly operations. The proposed method is based on the system of constraints on allowed assembly variants in the form of oriented hypergraph, introduced by a developer, followed by generating of the full solutions set, with these constraints taken in the account.
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