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# 10, October 2012
УДК: 004

# 09, September 2012
УДК: 004
77-30569/254156 High-accuracy algorithm for wind speed supplement computation for aicraft flight sector
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
High-accuracy algorithm for wind speed supplement computation when determining the entire speed of aircraft flight sector was considered. Proposed algorithm used in 4D planning and organizing of aircraft flight along the straight trajectory segment. It provides more precise computation of aircraft arrival time, and also gives a precise estimation of fuel amount needed for the flight.
77-30569/254634 Control of internal combustion enginr's temperature detector reading
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Principles of internal combustion engine's coolant temperature real-time monitoring. Computional system at hardware level was based on a single-board computer “Tion-Pro v2”. The application domain is the internal combustion engine's coolant temperature monitoring. With slight reconfiguration number of system abilities could be increased, for example using additional detectors or control relays.
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