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77-48211/368736 Research of double exposure mask technology’s critical parameters
Engineering Bulletin # 05, May 2012
Algorithms of topology transformation of submicron VLSIC, oriented to application for several classes of complex function blocks, designed for further manufacturing according to the technology of double exposure mask and met the demand for reproduction of given topology according to the technology of double exposure mask.
777-30569/249897 Translation algorithm of topology of sub-micron super large scale integration (GSI )
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
The article covers approaches to solving the problem of topology transformation of sub-micron GSI for a dual phototemplate technology. A defined class with many elementary methods is assigned for each topology element. Processing the elements consists in their sequential sorting, analysis of distances between the outlines of geometric primitives to meet the assigned criterion. If the distance between the outlines of geometric primitives does not meet the assigned criterion, separation of the analyzed primitives into two different layers of topology is performed. The authors consider an algorithm of coloring a graph for conducting a topology analysis to study the possibility of transformation for the dual phototemplate technology.
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