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Accuracy evaluation of modern computer programs for calculating objects’ effective echoing area
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0623058
A problem of computational accuracy of objects’ effective echoing area (EEA) using modern software such as CST Microwave Studio and «Analysis of radiolocation characteristics of complex shaped objects» developed in Bauman Moscow State University was considered. The authors tried to formalize accuracy evaluation procedure for these programs using characterization factors and mean-root-square errors between monostatic angle diagrams of EEA for some objects obtained with a use of the specified software and ones, experimentally measured. It was shown, that software had acceptable accuracy of ±5m2.

Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2012
Application of Raman spectroscopy in research of polymer composite materials
Engineering Education # 07, July 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0712.0431524
In this article a promising outlook of Raman spectroscopy application in research of polymer composite materials is shown. The author also considers a possibility of Raman spectroscopy application in research of structure polymer material and estimation of adhesion between fiber and polymer matrix for determination of stress transfer from fiber to polymer through interphase layer.
Investigation of microstructure of nano-modified polymer composite materials
Engineering Education # 07, July 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0712.0431361
In this article the authors present polymer composite materials based on polyester matrix modified with carbon nanotube; these materials were investigated and manufactured. The obtained results of microstructural investigation of samples indicate a promising outlook of using carbon nanotube as nano-modificator for increasing the strength characteristics of polymer composites.
Modeling of dependences of physical-mechanical properties on parameters of micro- and nanostructure polymer composite materials
Engineering Education # 06, June 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0612.0431339
The authors propose a mathematical model of polymer composite armored with fillers of various sizes. It is shown that the obtained theoretical relations allow to predict physical-mechanical properties of certain material reliably and to determine an optimal variant of filling with micro- and nano-inclusions.
77-30569/282012 Raman spectroscopy of nanomodified polymer composite materials exposed to mechanical load
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
In this article the authors present a research of physicochemical properties of constructional polymer composite materials (PCM) with addition of nanomodificatiors – astralene by method of Raman spectroscopy (RS). The authors conducted a research of polymer matrix chemical bonds with nanomodificators and parameters of packing characteristic of macromolecule. The authors made a conclusion of applicability of Raman spectroscopy method for estimation of on-stream PCM deformation degree when PCM are exposed to mechanical load.
77-30569/281952 Structural defect estimation of carbon fibers and polymer composites based on these fibers
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
 The results of structural survey of carbon fibers and epoxy micro carbon fiber composite were presented in this article. Attempt to determine damage mechanism of micro carbon fiber composite while in long operation was made, based upon the obtained results.
77-30569/239713 Surface analysis of Bi2Te3 based thin films obtained using pulsed laser deposition.
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
The quality of Bi2Te3 based thin films was studied. Thin films were deposited on heated up monocrystalicsilicium substrate using the method of Pulsed Laser Ablation with the use of Kr-F2 excimer laser. The morphology of a surface and nano-relief of the films deposited at various temperatures in the camera and different substrate-to-target range were researched.
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