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77-30569/235842 Distribution of software modules for unified-memory computer network components for parallel algorithm flowgraphs
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
This paper covers a method of program module allocation into computer subsystems (CS) for the cases when the program module execution time is known. This allows you to pre-make plans to address the problem of parallel computing system, which is an important factor in developing solutions for a computer system parallel task. The authors propose creating a plan for solving the problem of information and information-logical unified-memory flowgraphs. The plan is presented in the form of parallel task flowgraph threads which a serial arrangement in computer system components. Pre-planning allocation routines for computation modules reduces the problem solution time and increases the efficiency of computing resources.
77-30569/235311 Grammar with memory for creating compilers for parallel languages of computing systems
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
The article presents WR-grammar which is the basis for creation of a compiler which is adjusted to processing of programs written in various languages or their dialects and for various types of processors. Compilers of this type can be applied successfully in data processing computing systems. Necessity of creating compilers is due to existence of a lot of programming languages and their dialects focused on various types of processors, which causes certain difficulties at task solving on computing systems – even a very skilled programmer has difficulty solving them. Using a parametrical compiler, computer system administrator or operating system only has to do the following: to adjust the compiler to the required language or the language version and type of the processor by means of setting corresponding parameter values from a predefined list.
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