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# 07, July 2012
T he paper presents results of optimization of the closed Brayton cycle gas turbine power plant with capacity of 10 kw with an electric heater as a heat source. The results of calculations assemblies and units included in the model sample the closed two loops gas turbine power plant. Analysis was carried out design and arrangement solution necessary for the optimal location in the model sample of the limited dimensions of the room. Various options are configuration solutions.
Study of possibility of creating a 10kW two-loop closed gas turbine power plant
Engineering Education # 07, July 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0712.0432244
This paper presents the results of optimization of a closed Brayton cycle gas turbine power plant with capacity of 10 kW with an electric heater as a heat source. The authors present the results of calculations of assemblies and units included in the model sample of the closed two-loop gas turbine power plant. Analysis of design and arrangement solution required for optimal location of the model sample in the limited dimensions of the room was carried out. Various configuration solutions are also included in the article.
Experimental study of the characteristics of the small-scale centrifugal-flow compressor
Engineering Education # 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0432308
This work describes an experimental study of the stage of a small-scale centrifugal-flow compressor which is necessary for development and improvement of closed gas turbine trigeneration. This trigeneration implements a combination of direct and inverse Brayton cycles and can simultaneously generate electricity, heat and cold for air conditioning needs. The scheme of the stand, method of determination of key parameters and relations needed to assess the characteristics of the compressor were also described in this work. The comparison of calculated characteristics of the stage with experimental data was carried out.
77-30569/227752 Research of possibility of creation of the prototype of two-loop close gas-turbine power installation by capacity of 6 kW
Engineering Education # 08, August 2011
The work purpose is research of possibility of creation of the prototype of power installation. The stand is necessary for working off of algorithms of management full-size multiloop closed gas-turbine installations of space appointment and also researches of associatively of modules closed gas-turbine installation on various performance behavior. In the article the basic layout difficulties, constructional methods of their overcoming and methods of improvement of characteristics closed gas-turbine installation as a whole are considered, resorting to various layout decisions. The given stand will allow to find out basic problems of creation of multiloop turbo machines on an early stage design.
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