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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

# 5, May 2005

Power Engineering

Investigation of the operation of temperature lamination device working on the water and natural gas
# 5, May 2005
DOI: 10.7463/0505.0529473
S.A. Burtsev
This work describes the test configuration of gas dynamic energy disjunction device (Leontiev’s tube) working on the water and natural gas. This device works by means of local disbalance between heat generation and dissipation during the flow of compressible gas. Results of experimental investigation of the specified device are presented in the article; it was shown that the replacement of heat-transfer material in the external (infrasonic) channel (substitution of natural gas for water – heat-transfer material with greater heat transition coefficient) doesn’t change the efficiency of heat passage from the heat transfer agent flowing through the internal supersonic channel to the heat transfer agent flowing through the external infrasonic channel. Updated method of calculating this class of devices was proposed; the comparison of the results obtained from numerical experiments with a use of updated method with the results obtained from the same experiments with a use of basic method and experimental data was carried out. It was also shown that results of this research obtained using the updated method describe the growth of natural gas’ enthalpy better than ones obtained with a use of basic method.
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