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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Formation and Scenario of Educational Research Direction Development for the Hydro-Pneumatic System Optimization

# 12, December 2014
DOI: 10.7463/1214.0750965
Article file: SE-BMSTU...o999.pdf (670.28Kb)
author: D.N. Popov

In the most various areas of human activity the concept "system" is widely used. It reflects a certain type of structure and relations of the interacting parts, which form some integer with its inherent properties depending, however, on the properties of the separate parts. If parts are technical devices action of which is based on use of working fluids (droplet fluids and gases), it is possible to call such systems, respectively, a hydro – and pneumatic system irrespective of their purpose and scheme complexity.
The simple example is a valve made in the form of a metal ball and a spring. In case a ball contacts the fluid flow the spring counterbalances the force influencing on it from a flow. When connecting the space under a ball with a pipe through which the fluid flow moves, and the space over a ball with a drain, there is an automatic (unmanned) system control of the fluid flow pressure in a pipe. After short-term pressure increase in a pipe, for some reasons, the ball under the liquid flow, at first, draws to the position at which consumption of working flow coming to drain increases because of increasing flow passage. Then in the process of pressure recovery in a pipe the spring returns a ball to the near-initial position that used to be before destruction of the balanced condition of the system under consideration. But such completion of process is reached only when properties of the fluid flow and parameters of the valve provide the system stability. In unstable system there are processes or fluctuations dispersing, eventually, with amplitudes increasing to a certain limit. Such a limit process is called self-oscillations.

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