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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Program Complex of Pretreatment Imaging for Detection and Image Recognition

# 04, April 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0414.0707888
Article file: Volosatova_T.pdf (2092.14Kb)
authors: V.A. Bulanov, T.M. Volosatova

The article below describes an automatized workstation designed for developing programs, which preprocess images for further image detection and recognition. A software structure for an automatized workstation has been developed, and its functional block diagram is given. Methods and algorithms to solve the inverse problem of processing images obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles with no gyro stabilization system of aerial photography. Among them there are problems of defocusing and blurring recovery in resulting images. The article analyzes in-detail the software for image processing, that includes the following: software for defocusing and blurring recovery (an inverse problem solution); filtering software; software “joining frames” for frame synthesis (merging into panorama) from fragments. The interface of software support for most of algorithms described above is given. Computer-based experiment research results were also presented.


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