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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

The results of research on the effectiveness of line management

# 03, March 2014
Article file: Lapushkin_P.pdf (816.67Kb)
authors: I.I. Lapushkin, E.B. Mazurin

The article proves the relevance of research concerning the management system effectiveness in the project company. It shows that the emergence of independent commercial enterprises in the electrical power sector led both to deterioration of continuous processes controllability and to serious failures in functioning of infrastructure processes (repairs, invoice, and receipt of monetary funds). But, at the same time, a number of processes showed an increase of operation efficiency due to decrease in expenses when functioning.

Coordination of activities between holding and company showed that process to come up with the weighty arguments in favor of one or other management decisions was the most complicated.

The objective of the article is worded as follows: to reveal the regularities for the management efficiency to depend both on the echelons of regulation to make a decision at various times of delay (time from the decision-making moment before impact on object/subject of management) and on the abovementioned factors.

The research was carried out using the model of the control loop. When conducting research, the model used only line (proportional) link, as the most often encountered in the development of management systems in organizations. Line (proportional) link is the link with the output value changing with time according to the same law, as the input value. In management the proportional link means that managerial decisions and the impact on employees is proportional to the rejection of planned and actual performances of company activities.

To assess the quality of management at different stages of the regulation, principles of regulation and management structures the article suggests to use the indicators of management costs, the integrated indicator of management error, the coefficient of regulation quality, the ratio of discounted costs, and the efficiency of regulation. It also proposes to use the efficiency factor of regulation to show which part of amended, as a result of regulation, external disturbance corresponds to one unit of costs for regulation.

The dependences of the efficiency coefficient of regulation on the time delays in the process of decision-making at various regulatory principles are illustrated.

The conclusions are based on results of research.


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