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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Problems of minimizing summary characteristic velocity required for maintenance and replenishment of satellite systems at non-coplanar circular orbits

# 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0598333
Article file: Grishko_P.pdf (1433.53Kb)
authors: A.A. Baranov, D.A. Grishko


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5.           Baranov A.A. Optimal'nye perekhody mezhdu orbitami, imeyushchimi znachitel'nye otkloneniya dolgoty voskhodyashchego uzla [Optimal transitions between the orbits that have significant deviations of longitude of the ascending node]. Trudy 25 Nauchnykh chteniy po kosmonavtike [Proceedings of the 25 Scientific readings on cosmonautics], Moscow, 24-26 January 2001. Moscow, “Voyna i mir” Publ., 2001, p. 113.

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7.           Labourdette P., Baranov A.A software for rendezvous between near-circular orbits with large initial ascending node difference. Proceedings of the 17 International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 16-20 June 2003, Moscow, RF. Moscow, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2003, pp. 130-142.

8.           Baranov A.A., Baranov A.A. Algoritm rascheta parametrov manevrov formirovaniya sputnikovykh sistem [The algorithm for calculating the parameters of maneuvers of formation of satellite systems]. Kosmicheskie issledovaniya, 2009, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 256-263.

9.           Baranov A.A., Labourdette P. Strategies for on-Orbit Rendez-vous Circling Mars. AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Quebec, Canada, 2001. Paper AAS 01-392.

10.         VASIMR® technology. Low Earth Orbit Large Debris Removal. Ad Astra Rocket Company (AARC). Available at: http://www.adastrarocket.com/aarc/SpaceCleaner  , accessed 10.06.2013.

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