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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Investigation of the operation of temperature lamination device working on the natural gas

# 9, September 2004
DOI: 10.7463/0904.0516097
Article file: Бурцев_P.pdf (622.81Kb)
author: S.A. Burtsev


1.         Abramovich G.N. Prikladnaia gazovaia dinamika. V 2 ch. [Applied gas dynamics. In 2 parts]. Moscow, Nauka, 1991. Part. 1. 600 p.; Part. 2. 304 p.

2.         Leont'ev A.I. Sposob temperaturnoi stratifikatsii gaza i ustroistvo dlia ego osushchestvleniia (Truba Leont'eva) [The method of temperature stratification of gas and device for its implementation (Pipe Leontiev)]. Patent RF, no. 2106581. 1998.

3.         Leont'ev A.I. Gazodinamicheskii metod energorazdeleniia gazovykh potokov [Gas-dynamic method of energy separation of gas flows]. Teplofizika vysokikh temperature, 1997, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 157-159.

4.         Leont'ev A.I. Temperaturnaia stratifikatsiia sverkhzvukovogo gazovogo potoka [Thermal stratification of supersonic gas flow]. Doklady Akademii Nauk, 1997, vol. 354, no. 4, pp. 475-477.

5.         Burtsev S.A., Leont'ev A.I. Temperaturnaia stratifikatsiia v sverkhzvukovom potoke gaza [Temperature stratification in supersonic gas flow]. Izvestiia RAN. Energetika, 2000, no. 5, pp. 101-113.

6.         Burtsev S.A. Issledovanie temperaturnoi stratifikatsii gaza [Investigation of the temperature stratification of gas]. Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Ser. Mashinostroenie [Bulletin of the Bauman MSTU. Ser. Mechanical Engineering], 1998, no. 2, pp. 65-72.

7.         Burtsev S.A. Optimizatsiia geometrii sverkhzvukovogo kanala v ustroistve dlia energorazdeleniia [Optimization of the geometry of supersonic channel in device for energy separation]. Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Ser. Mashinostroenie [Bulletin of the Bauman MSTU. Ser. Mechanical Engineering], 1999, no. 2, pp. 48-54.

8.         Burtsev S.A. Issledovanie vliianiia tolshchiny stenki sverkhzvukovogo kanala i ee termicheskogo soprotivleniia na temperaturnuiu stratifikatsiiu real'nogo gaza [Investigation of the influence of the wall thickness of supersonic channel and its thermal resistance at temperature stratification of real gas]. Trudy 12-i Shkoly seminara molodykh uchenykh i spetsialistov pod rukovodstvom akademika RAN A.I. Leont'eva [Proc. of the 12th School-seminar of young scientists and specialists under the leadership of RAS academician, A.I. Leontiev]. Moscow, MEI Publ., 1998, pp. 27-30.

9.         Burtsev S.A. Issledovanie temperaturnogo razdeleniia v potokakh szhimaemogo gaza. Kand. diss. [Investigation of temperature separation in the flows of compressible gas. Cand. diss.]. Moscow, 2001. 124 p.

10.       Leont'ev A.I., Burtsev S.A., Vizel' Ia.M., Chizhikov Iu.V. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie gazodinamicheskoi temperaturnoi stratifikatsii prirodnogo gaza [Experimental investigation of gas dynamic temperature stratification of natural gas]. Gazovaia promyshlennost' [Gas Industry], 2002, no. 11, pp. 72-75.

11.       Burtsev S.A. Issledovanie temperaturnoi stratifikatsii gaza i koeffitsienta vosstanovleniia pri obrazovanii kondensata gaza [Investigation of the temperature stratification of gas and recovery coefficient in the formation of gas condensate]. Trudy 2-i Rossiiskoi natsional'noi konferentsii po teploobmenu. T. 8. [Proc. of the 2nd Russian National Conference on Heat Transfer. Vol. 8]. MEI Publ., 1998, pp. 58-59.

12.       Leont'ev A.I., Mironov B.P., Fafurin A.V. Dlina nachal'nogo uchastka pri turbulentnom techenii gaza v tsilindricheskoi trube v usloviiakh sushchestvennoi neizotermichnosti [The length of the initial section at turbulent gas flow in cylindrical tube in conditions of essential non-isothermality]. Zhurnal prikladnoi mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoi fiziki [Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics], 1968, no. 4, pp. 99-104.

13.       Kutateladze S.S., Leont'ev A.I. Teplomassoobmen i trenie v turbulentnom pogranichnom sloe [Heat-mass-exchange and friction in a turbulent boundary layer]. Moscow, Energoatomizdat, 1985. 320 p.

14.       Burtsev S.A., Vinogradov Iu.A., Ermolaev I.K., Leont'ev A.I. Effekt temperaturnoi stratifikatsii gaza [The effect of temperature stratification of gas]. Trudy 14-i Shkoly seminara molodykh uchenykh i spetsialistov pod rukovodstvom akademika RAN A.I. Leont'eva. T. 2. [Proc. of the 14th School-seminar of young scientists and specialists under the leadership of RAS academician, A.I. Leontiev. Vol. 2]. Moscow, MEI Publ., 2003, pp. 189-194.

15.       Burtsev S.A., Vizel' Ia.M., Leont'ev A.I., Chizhikov Iu.V. Sposob okhlazhdeniia prirodnogo gaza posle kompressornykh stantsii [Method of cooling of natural gas after the compressing]. Patent RF, no. 2155303. 2000.

16.       Burtsev S.A., Vizel' Ia.M., Leont'ev A.I., Chizhikov Iu.V. Sposob nizkotemperaturnoi separatsii promyslovogo gaza [The method of low temperature separation of commercial gas]. Patent RF, no. 2156271. 2000.

17.       Burtsev S.A., Vizel' Ia.M., Leont'ev A.I., Chizhikov Iu.V. Kholodil'naia ustanovka [Refrigeration unit]. Patent RF, no. 2156413. 2000.

18.       Burtsev S.A., Vizel' Ia.M., Leont'ev A.I., Chizhikov Iu.V. Sposob reguliruemogo bespodogrevnogo redutsirovaniia magistral'nogo prirodnogo gaza i ustroistvo dlia ego osushchestvleniia [Way of adjustable non-heated reduction of main natural gas and device for its implementation]. Patent RF, no. 2162190. 2001.

19.       Leont'eva A.I., Piliugina N.N. Polezhaeva Iu.V., Poliaeva V.M., eds. Nauchnye osnovy tekhnologii 21 veka [Scientific bases of technology of the 21century]. Moscow, UNPTs "Energomash" Publ., 2000. 136 p.

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