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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Influence of azimuthal deflection of ions on the beam shape of the engine with anode layer

# 10, October 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1012.0483832
Article file: Ивахненко_1_P.pdf (259.26Kb)
authors: D.V. Duhopel'nikov, S.G. Ivakhnenko


1. Gulczinski F.S., Gallimore A.D., Carlson D.O., Gilchrist B.E. Impact of anode layer thruster plumes on satellite communications. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2007. 8 p.

2. Grishin S.D., Leskov L.V. Elektricheskie raketnye dvigateli [Electric rocket engines]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1989. 216 p.

3. Vorob'ev E.V., Dukhopel'nikov D.V., Ivakhnenko S.G., Marakhtanov M.K. Poteria tiagi v dvigateliakh s anodnym sloem za schet azimutal'noi zakrutki ionov [Loss of traction in the engines with anode layer due to azimuthal swirl of ions]. Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Ser. Mashinostroenie [Herald of the Bauman MSTU. Ser. Mechanical Engineering], 2011, spec. iss. "Ionno-plazmennye tekhnologii" [“Ion-plasma technology”], pp. 58-63.

4. Vorob'ev E.V., Dukhopel'nikov D.V., Ivakhnenko S.G., Zhukov A.V., Kirillov D.V., Marakhtanov M.K. Khollovskii uskoritel' s fokusirovannym puchkom dlia nanorazmernoi obrabotki krupnogabaritnykh zerkal opticheskikh teleskopov [Hall accelerator with a focused beam for nanoscale processing of large-sized mirrors of optical telescopes]. Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Ser. Mashinostroenie [Herald of the Bauman MSTU. Ser. Mechanical Engineering], 2011, spec. iss. "Ionno-plazmennye tekhnologii" [“Ion-plasma technology”], pp.  35-41.

5. Bronshtein I. N., Semendiaev K. A. Spravochnik po matematike dlia inzhenerov i uchashchikhsia VTUZov [Handbook on mathematics for engineers and students of technical universities]. Moscow, Nauka, 1980. 976 p.

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