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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Comprehensive assessment of radio channels by information symbols of MIMO-OFDM signals by means of multivariate Kalman filter

# 10, October 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1012.0465244
Article file: Исмаилов_P.pdf (380.50Kb)
authors: A.V. Ismailov, D.S. Kukushkin, L.N. Kazakov


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4. Errasti M.M. Effects of Channel Estimation and Implementation on the Performance of MIMO Wireless Systems. Dr. diss. Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2008. 167 p.

5. Kukushkin D.S. Sintez i optimizatsiia algoritma korrektsii fazy mnogomernykh signalov s ortogonal'nym chastotnym razdeleniem. Kand. diss. [Synthesis and optimization of algorithm of phase correction of multi-dimensional signals with orthogonal frequency division. Cand. diss.]. Iaroslavl', 2007. 159 p.

6. Ismailov A.V., Kukushkin D.S., Kazakov L.N. Algoritm korrektsii OFDM kanala v usloviiakh chastotno-selektivnykh zamiranii i fazovykh fluktuatsii [Algorithm of correction of OFDM channel in the conditions of a frequency-selective fading and phase fluctuations]. Dokl. nauchno-tekhn. sem. "Sistemy sinkhronizatsii, formirovaniia i obrabotki signalov dlia sviazi i veshchaniia" [Reports of the scientific-technical seminar "System timing, shaping and signal processing for communications and broadcasting"]. N.Novgorod, 2010, pp. 73-76.

7. Ismailov A.V., Kukushkin D.S., Kazakov L.N. Primenenie mnogomernykh fil'trov Kalmana dlia kompleksnoi otsenki parametrov kanalov s MIMO-OFDM [The application of multivariate Kalman filters for complex estimation of parameters of channels with MIMO-OFDM]. Dokl. mezhdun. nauchno-tekh. sem. "Sistemy sinkhronizatsii, formirovaniia i obrabotki signalov dlia sviazi i veshchaniia" (Sinkhroinfo 2011) [Reports of the international scientific-technical seminar "System timing, shaping and signal processing for communications and broadcasting" (Sinhroinfo 2011)]. Ukraina, Odessa, 2011, pp. 93-95.

8. Vishnevskii V., Krasilov A., Shakhnovich I. Tekhnologiia sotovoi sviazi LTE – pochti 4G [The technology of mobile communication LTE - almost 4G.]. ELEKTRONIKA: Nauka, Tekhnologiia, Biznes [ELECTRONICS: Science, Technology, Business], 2009, no. 1, pp. 62-72.

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