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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Technological process as an energy conversion device

# 07, July 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0712.0414854
Article file: Ярославцев_P.pdf (577.27Kb)
author: V.M. Yaroslavtsev


1. Balandin G.F. O teoreticheskikh osnovakh tekhnologii mashinostroeniia [On the theoretical foundations of mechanical engineering]. Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Ser. Mashinostroenie [Herald of the Bauman MSTU. Ser. Mechanical Engineering], 1993, no. 4, pp. 3-8.

2. Iaroslavtsev V.M. Bazovye polozheniia obshchnosti tekhnologicheskikh metodov obrabotki [Basic provisions of common technological processing methods]. “Inzhenerno-Fizicheskie Problemy Novoi Tekhniki“. Mat. 7 Vseros. Soveshch.-Semin. [“Engineering and Physical Challenges of New Technology”. Proc. 7th All-Russ. Meet.-Semin.]. Moscow, 2003, pp. 185-186.

3. Iaroslavtsev V.M., Iaroslavtseva N.A. Prognozirovanie nadezhnosti renoviruemykh detalei mashin na osnove analiza struktury tekhnologii vosstanovleniia [Reliability prediction of renovated machine parts based on the analysis of the structure recovery technology]. Metody menedzhmenta kachestva, 1999, no. 8, pp. 52-58.

4. Iaroslavtsev V.M. Novoe o protsesse rezaniia [New information on the process of cutting]. Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Ser. Mashinostroenie [Herald of the Bauman MSTU. Ser. Mechanical Engineering], 2000, no. 4, pp. 32-46.

5. Iaroslavtsev V.M. Vzryv i sverkhtekuchest' pri obrabotke metallov rezaniem [Explosion and superfluidity in metal cutting]. “Inzhenerno-Fizicheskie Problemy Novoi Tekhniki“. Mat. 6 Vseros. Soveshch.-Semin. [“Engineering and Physical Challenges of New Technology”. Proc. 6th All-Russ. Meet.-Semin.]. Moscow, May 16-18, 2001, pp. 65-66.

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