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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Structure of energy consumption of walking machines with cycle propellers

# 05, May 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0512.0370775
Article file: Чернышев_P.pdf (528.52Kb)
author: V.V. Chernyshev


1. Briskin E.S., Zhoga V.V., Chernyshev V.V., Maloletov A.V. Dinamika i upravlenie dvizheniem shagaiushchikh mashin s tsiklovymi dvizhiteliami [Dynamics and motion control of walking machines with cycle movers]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 2009. 191 p.

2. Briskin E.S., Chernyshev V.V. Eksperimental'nye issledovaniia dinamiki mnogoopornoi shagaiushchei mashiny s dvizhiteliami liambdaobraznogo vida [Experimental studies of the dynamics multisupporting walking machine with a drivers of lambda shaped species]. Izvestiia VUZov. Ser. Mashinostroenie, 1999, no. 4, pp. 32-37.

3. Chernyshev V.V. Opyt ispol'zovaniia shagaiushchei mashiny dlia likvidatsii avariinogo razliva nefti [Experience of using of the walking machine for oil spill response]. Bezopasnost' zhiznedeiatel'nosti, 2003, no. 5, pp. 28-30.

4. Briskin E.S., Chernyshev V.V., Zhoga V.V., Maloletov A.V. Opyt razrabotki i ispytanii shagaiushchikh opor dozhdeval'noi mashiny [The experience of the development and testing of walking legs of sprinkler machines]. Traktory i sel'skokhoziaistvennye mashiny, 2011, no. 9, pp. 27-31.

5. Chernyshev V.V. Polevye issledovaniia shagaiushchikh mashin [Field studies of walking machines]. Traktory i sel'skokhoziaistvennye mashiny, 2004, no. 4, pp. 20-22.

6. Briskin E.S., Chernyshev V.V., Maloletov A.V., Sherstobitov S.V. On Dynamics of Movement of Walking Machines with Gears on the Basis of Cycle Mechanisms. Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators. ROMANSY 13: Proc. of the 13-th CISM-IFToMM Symposium. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Wien, New York, 2000, pp. 313-322.

7. Briskin E.S., Chernyshev V.V., Maloletov A.V., Sherstobitov S.V., Grigorian G.G., Savin A.G. On ground and profile practicability of multi-legged walking machines. Climbing and Walking Robots . CLAWAR 2001: Proc. of the Fourth International Conference, 24-26th September 2001, London, 2001, pp. 1005-1012.

8 Briskin E.S., Chernyshev V.V., Zhoga V.V., Maloletov A.V., Sharonov N.G., Frolova N.E. Kontseptsiia proektirovaniia, dinamika i upravlenie dvizheniem shagaiushchikh mashin. Dinamika dvizheniia shagaiushchikh mashin serii «Vos'minog» [The concept of design, dynamics and motion control of walking machines. Part 2. Dynamics of movement of walking machines series "The Eight-legs "]. Mekhatronika, avtomatizatsiia, upravlenie, 2005, no. 6, pp. 19-26.

9. Briskin E.S., Chernyshev V.V., Zhoga V.V., Maloletov A.V., Sharonov N.G., Frolova N.E. Kontseptsiia proektirovaniia, dinamika i upravlenie dvizheniem shagaiushchikh mashin. Algoritmy upravleniia dvizheniem shagaiushchikh mashin serii "Vos'minog" i eksperimental'nye issledovaniia [The concept of design, dynamics and motion control of walking machines. Part 3. Algorithms of motion control of walking machines series "The Eight-legs" and experimental studies]. Mekhatronika, avtomatizatsiia, upravlenie, 2005, no. 7, pp. 13-18.

10. Briskin E.S., Chernyshev V.V. Tsiklovye mekhanizmy shaganiia s passivno upravliaemoi stopoi [Cyclic mechanisms of walking with the passively managed foot]. Teoriia mekhanizmov i mashin, 2004, no. 1, pp. 80-88.

11. Chernyshev V.V. Soprotivlenie bortovomu povorotu shagaiushchei mashiny [Resistance to board turn of walking machine]. Traktory i sel'skokhoziaistvennye mashiny, 2003, no. 2, pp. 24-27.

12. Chernyshev V.V. Passivnoe podressorivanie v mobil'nykh robototekhnicheskikh sistemakh s tsiklovymi mekhanizmami shaganiia [Passive cushioning in mobile robotic systems with cyclic mechanisms of walking]. IzvestiiaVUZov. Ser. Mashinostroeni,2003, no. 1, pp. 31-39.

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