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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

77-30569/296014 Average time before tracking loss and average value of frequency disagreement of phase lock loop with composite action

# 12, December 2011
Article file: Шахтарин_P.pdf (182.31Kb)
authors: B.I Shahtarin, T.G. Aslanov


1.        Shakhtarin B.I., Analysis of the systems of synchronization at presence of noise, Moscow, IPRZhR, 1996, 252 p.

2.         Meyr H., Ascheid G., Synchronization in digital communications, Vol.1, Phase - frequency – locked loops, and amplitude control, N.Y., Wiley, 1990, 510 p.

3.         Stephens D.R., Phase – locked loops -for Wireless communications. Digital, analog and implementations, 2nd ed., N.Y., Kluwer, 2002, 421 p.

4.        Shakhtarin B.I., Statistical dynamics of the systems of synchronization, Moscow, Radio i sviaz', 1998, 488 p.

5.        Karsi M.F. Lindsey W.C. Effects of CW interference on phase-locked loop performance, IEEE Trans. 48 (5) (2000) 886-896.

6.        Shakhtarin B.I., Sizykh V.V., Sidorkina Iu.A., Synchronization in radiocommunication and radionavigation, Moscow, Goriachaia liniia – Telekom, 2011, 278 p.

7.        Shakhtarin B.I., Aslanov T.G., in: Proc. of the 4-th International radio-electronic forum on Telecommunication systems and technologies, Ukraina, Khar'kov, 2011, pp. 187-190.

8.        Shakhtarin B.I., Aslanov T.G., Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Ser. Priborostroenie - Bulletin of BMSTU. Ser. Instrumentation technology 4 (2011).

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