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The phenomenon of crawling and peculiarities of motion of a rotor with pendular self-balancers
Engineering Education # 08, August 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0813.0603673
Results of the investigation of a new phenomenon in revolving of a rigid rotor in elastic supports with four pendular self-balancers were presented in this article. The rotor revolves with a working speed but pendulums move with a rotation frequency which is equal to one of two critical rotor’s velocities; these velocities are conditional upon, respectively, linear or angular parameters of motion. An experimental apparatus used for obtaining the dynamical phenomenon was described; data on physical parameters of the system were also provided. A current hypothesis of emergent interactions as the fundamental of creating a mathematical model of the processes of locking was proposed. A procedure of creating a mathematical model for a system with eight degrees of freedom was also proposed. Properties of dynamical links between partial systems which could be set only for stated forms of self-organization of motion of a group of freely suspended pendulums were discussed.
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