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The purpose of geometrical parameters of the tap’s cutting part during processing of non-continuous surfaces
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0590761
In this article the authors consider an analytical form of the pattern change in the total radial force in forming discontinuous threaded surfaces by using the generator cutting scheme (taps, dies, die heads, etc.). A modeling method for various configurations of surfaces for threading was proposed. The authors propose an engineering technique of design decision-making for tool’s working elements and of the purpose of geometrical parameters of the tap’s cutting part during processing of non-continuous surfaces. The possibility of eliminating agreement between peak load on the cutting tooth and the moment of its interaction with a non-continuous surface was investigated.
Influence of pressure on supporting surfaces of the cutting profile on the accuracy of the thread being cut
Engineering Education # 08, August 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0813.0590745
The author developed a mathematical model that sets basic laws of changes in specific forces in formation of the thread surface and allows one to determine priorities of technical activities aimed at improvement of accuracy and stability of the process of threading. Pressure diagrams for tap tool minor cutting edges were obtained. This is useful for load distribution analysis between cutting teeth. Results of theoretical and experimental studies on the effect of the cutting angle of the taps on the dynamics and precision of the threading process are presented in this paper. A correlation between the character of overpressure on instrument base surfaces and a classification of thread types was determined.
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