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Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2013
Dynamic loading of friction elements of transport vehicle transmissions
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0593565
In this paper processes of formation of dynamic loading were investigated; ways of improving durability of shrink disks of transport vehicle transmissions were justified. A hypothesis of destruction of these disks due to the impact of high-frequency perturbations produced by both an engine and a hydraulic torque converter was proposed; parametric resonance oscillation conditions were determined. Unstable zones for parametric oscillations were defined, using the Mathieu equation; need for filtration of high-frequency perturbations was determined in order to limit the parameter of modulation depth. Estimation of the influence of developed procedures on durability of shrink disks was conducted.
Sub-harmonic oscillation damping in hydro-mechanical transmission
Engineering Education # 03, March 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0413.0548552
Results of an experimental investigation of dynamic loading of a transport machine hydro-mechanical transmission are described in the article. On the basis of comparing resonance oscillations frequencies of dynamic torque with frequencies of diesel perturbations, the authors proposed and hypothesis substantiated a hypothesis of implementing sub-harmonic resonances in a mechanical system which has essentially nonlinear elastic response. Theoretical study of dynamic processes in the system using linearization of the nonlinear characteristic by means of the harmonic balance method was carried out. The obtained analytical dependences allowed to tune out a nonlinear system from resonance by varying the characteristics of an elastic vibration damper. The authors also provide a variant of constructive implementation of a matching gear of hydro-mechanical transmission using a new type of vibration damper, as well as results of an experimental evaluation of effectiveness of the developed design solutions.
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