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A modified cuckoo search method in the global optimization problem
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0603388
In this paper we consider a global optimization problem and a method of Cuckoo Search (CS). CS method could be used for solving the specified problem. This method belongs to a new class of population based algorithms, which have been developed actively in recent years. In contrast with other known population based methods CS has only two free parameters. The goal of this work is to increase the efficiency of the canonical CS method. Several different modifications were presented in this work along with their software implementations; the canonical method was also implemented. Results of comprehensive performance study of proposed modifications by the example of a set of benchmark functions which revealed advantages over the canonical method were presented. One of proposed modifications was used for solving the existent practical problem of minimizing the expenditures on the manufacturing of high-pressure vessels. It was shown that proposed modifications provide a better value of the objective function in comparison with results obtained by other researches and also allow one to meet all restrictions.

# 09, September 2012
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