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Simulation of the Process of Simultaneous Finishing Batch of Work-pieces
Engineering Education # 09, September 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0915.0810635
pp. 122-134
Features of mathematical simulation of the abrasive particles’ motion in the abrasive-extrusion processing
Engineering Education # 11, November 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1113.0623507
The paper deals with creating a mathematical model of motion of abrasive grains in the abrasive extrusion processing (AEP). This will extend capabilities of this technology. The essence of the AEP is in puncturing (extrusion) of an abrasive paste along the processed surfaces (in most cases through holes) and material removal by abrasive particles contained in the paste which consists of abrasive grains and a binder in a viscous-elastic liquid. Use of existing models cannot explain the essence of the grain’s motion and its impact on the processed surface material. The author substantiates the need for introduction of elastic characteristics of the bonding liquid into the model’s main equation, along with the concentration index of the abrasive grains.
Estimating efficiency of interrupted cutting on the basis of change pattern in heat density of the process
Engineering Education # 10, October 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1013.0623113
Calculation models of changes in heat density of an interrupted cutting process and their connection with technical and economical processing indexes were considered in this paper; these indexes allow one to determine changes in cutting tool life and in working efficiency, depending on kinematical features of the process. Manufacturing operation and kinds of work such as edge cutting, abrasive and surface plastic deformation with cyclic change of mode parameters were presented. During investigation of these operations or their development at the stage of process design it is rational to apply the specified models.

Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
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