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77-30569/234573 The regression analysis as instrument for planning and monitoring the results of the work for airline company
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
The rising demand for air transportation, introduction of a new generation of aircraft technology and modernization of the infrastructure sectors are making new demands for qualitative reliability and flight staff of commercial aviation maintenance staff. Airlines are interested in retaining their employees and improving motivation programs. Taking into account the fact that the target of business is profit (for all motivation programs require expenses), the problem of cost optimization is particularly acute. Different methods of motivation require different investments and have a different impact on staff. It’s obvious that reasonable combination of motivation methods will lead to the target results or get closer to them. The article covers questions of using a regression analysis for assessing employees’ reaction to the change of the motivation system and for forecasting results of organization department work. The authors provide an example of calculations for an airline department.
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