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Experimentally Investigating Efficiency of Using the Catalytic Blocks in a Small N2O Gas-Generators with Resonant Initiation System
Engineering Education # 04, April 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0414.0705122
In cutting-edge aerospace technology small gas-generators (SGG) are widely used for creating a high-enthalpy flow with required characteristics. One of perspective unitary fuels for SGG is nitrous oxide (N2O). However, the use of N2O requires solving the problems of initiation and intensification of its decomposition process. The article considers one of the possible solutions to fulfil these tasks by using the resonant gas-dynamic systems (GRS) to initiate a workflow with no electric power. Predesigns and results of tests showed that SGG using the nitrous oxide with GRS has rather long time to reach the nominal operation conditions and rather low extent of decomposition of N2O. The paper offers to determine experimentally the efficiency of the catalytic blocks used in SGG with GRS-based devices to initiate the workflow. It presents the following: an installation diagram, a technique to conduct experiments and their results, as well as a complex analysis of data and a comparison with calculations. The obtained data allow us to draw a conclusion that with using the catalytic blocks, there is a possibility to accelerate bootstrap operation of SGG and  increase the efficiency of decomposition of N2O.

# 06, June 2012
УДК: 641.454.2
Analysis of effective use of nitrous oxide as a fuel component for propulsion systems of small spacecrafts
Engineering Education # 09, September 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0912.0450400
The paper presents the results of a system analysis of efficiency of nitrous oxide ( N2O ) as a fuel component for small spacecrafts (SSC). The authors define the criterion for mass efficiency of the propulsion system (PS) of small spacecrafts. They show the current global level of development of SSC  remote control. Application field of nitrous oxide in SSC  remote control was calculated, and mass efficiency of N2O application was quantitatively defined.
77-30569/339499 Numerical analysis of non-conservative acoustic systems for working process initialization devices in high-enthalpy flow generators
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
The development of non-electric systems of multiple ignition for gas generating devices of rocket and space technologies is a pressing task. One of the promising systems is a gas dynamic system of ignition allowing to implement the progressive technology of “automatic launch”. The authors carried our simulation of local heating of a working body in an acoustic resonator with the help of solving the Navier-Stokes equation system. The results of the development of a resonant system of working process initialization in the high-enthalpy flow generator and preparation for carrying out experimental research of the modeling gas dynamics igniter sample are presented in this work.
Modelling of elasto-plastic strains of the condensed particles in the course of two-phase supersonic stream interaction with a wall
Engineering Education # 08, August 2011
In the article the mathematical model and results of numerical research interaction of a stream spherical particle of the condensed phase, moving in a supersonic gas path, with a barrier located perpendicularly to a stream is presented. Calculations interactions are based on results of study of movement particles in a path accounting their thermal condition. It is shown that final deformation particles does not depend on their size, and interaction time from speed. Results of modeling will be coordinated with experimental data of other authors.
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