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Concept of feedback coupling in dynamics of mechanical systems and dynamical damping of oscillations
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0512.0378353
The authors propose a methodical foundation of estimation and research of origination of dynamical damping of oscillations for tasks of vibration protection of machines and equipment. The novelty of the approach consists of using a new class of mathematical models for mechanical systems; these models represent structural schemes as the equivalent of dynamic systems of automatic control. The authors consider questions of scientific substantiation of structural transformations of mathematical models with selection of feedback couplings, inherent in elastic oscillation systems. A dynamical oscillation damper in the vibration protection system within the framework of the developing concept was considered as feedback of a certain type. The authors propose a technology of detection of dynamical damping of frequencies in systems with several degrees of freedom. The authors show possibilities of improvement of the “dynamical damping of oscillations” concept the physical meaning of which essentially depends on the choice of synthesis coordinates. The authors propose a synthesis method for building vibration protection systems with dynamical absorbers of oscillations. The numeric simulation and laboratory experiment results are included in the article.
Integration possibilities of the chain theory methods and the automatic control theory in solving tasks of dynamics of machines
Engineering Education # 06, June 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0612.0378699
Possibilities of creation of structural schemes of mechanical oscillation systems are considered in this article. The authors propose an integration method which combines possibilities of using principles of electromechanical analogies (mechanical chains) and rules of structure transformations with feedback coupling. A methodological base for evaluating dynamic properties of vibration protection systems with electromechanical couplings was proposed.
System of external forces. Possible forms of connectedness oscillations of mechanical systems at action of several external factors
Engineering Education # 08, August 2011
Approach of change of dynamical condition of vibroprotection systems through  introduction of additional connection force influence are considered. Such approach accordances to form of  automatical control by force of influence.
Between coordinates ties in theory of vibroprotection
Engineering Education # 04, April 2011
Methodical bases for building of transport mathematical models  vibroprotection systems are suggested. Considered systems have lever mechanisms and additional ties, which can be realized through using of elementary typical links of widen collection.
Dynamical absorber. Influence of position
Engineering Education # 03, March 2011
Questions of influence of position of dynamical absorber on properties of object with two degrees of freedom are considered. Building of effective system of defense from vibration and getting of additional regimes of dynamical absorbtion with coupling are offered.
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