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Mathematical model of thermal deaeration of water is in attachment columns
Engineering Education # 04, April 2011
In this work describes basic approaches of mathematical design are examined in attachment vehicles. In this work describes the one- and two-dimensional models of transfer of impulse, the masses and energies in columns with attachment elements. For description of model are used the systems of differential equalizations in partials derivatives. The account of the second phase is executed due to by volume sources.  In this work presents the results of calculation of efficiency of absorption of acetylene with water and deaeration from water of oxygen by attachment elements: rings of Raschig 50x50, steel rings of Pallya 50x50, ceramic saddles of Intaloks 50 mm and attachment of «Inzhekhim-2000». In this work presents comparative structural descriptions of deaerators with the use of attachment elements. Conclusions are done about modernization warmly - and mass-transfer vehicles with the use of high-efficiency contact devices.
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