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Global optimization based on methods of particle swarm, mind evolution and clonal selection
Engineering Education # 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0431723
The paper gives short descriptions of the particle swarm, mind evolution and clonal selection methods. Hybridization of the specified methods and a description of the MEPSI hybrid method (Mind Evolution, Particle Swarm, Immune) are presented. We consider an adjustment of free parameters of the HPSI method on the basis of which the MEPSI method is constructed. The results of studying an evolution of the swarm generated by the MEPSI method, as well as the results of studying the efficiency of the method for known Shekel and Rastrigin benchmark problems are presented in this article. Besides, the paper presents similar results obtained during solving the seven- and thirty eight Lennard-Jones atomic clusters problem.
Investigation of particle swarm optimization efficiency in approximate construction of the pareto set
Engineering Education # 04, April 2010
This paper describes implementation of a particle swarm optimization method designed for Pareto set for a multicriteria optimization problem. The paper describes the problem definition, algorithm description, diagram and research result of the method efficiency in solving two-criterion test problem.
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